And the award goes to.....

Best Feature/Pilot - A Broad Abroad - Debra Pralle

Best Short - Donut Boy - Bunthoeun Real

Best Feature Script - HAZEL & THE SOUND August Detering

Best Pilot Script -  THE BLACK KNIGHT! - Henry S Brown Jr.

Best Short Script #1 - DIGGING A HOLE - T.E. Hirschler 

Best Short Script #2 - DIG - Sandra Hosking  

Best Short Script #3 - CYCLICAL - Kaitlin Larsen

Emerging Filmmaker (Women in Film Seattle) - Ayla Carda

Best Producer - (Tie) Kris Flink

Best Producer - (Tie) Sam Arias Mostovoy

2nd Place - Abie Ekenazar

3rd Place - Amy Guth

Best Director - Nuk Suwanchote

2nd Place - Sandra Scragg

3rd Place -  EE Tallent

Best Writer - Kim Hornsby

2nd Place - Rishi Raj

3rd Place - Kennith Darling

Best Production Company - Daisy if you Do Productions

2nd Place - On the Fence

3rd Place - Empower Video Productions

Best Actor - (Tie) Eric Peddy

Best Actor - (Tie) Kevin Lueng

2nd Place - Jon Meggison

3rd Place - David S. Hogan

Best Actress - Alex Naumann

2nd Place - Renee Bugatti

3rd Place - Kaitlyn Thomas

Best Editor - Michael Rognlie

2nd Place - Note Suwanchote

3rd Place - Kaitlin Larsen

Best Composer - Tara Forth

2nd Place - Aiden Wiess

3rd Place - Brooke Richey

Best MUA - Michelle Munoz

2nd Place - Alayna Cushing

3rd Place - Kelsey Sprague

Best Post Production Collaborator - Shelby Moledina

2nd Place - Dan Hickey

3rd Place - Maxim Eremenko

Best PA - Giovanna Cossalter Walters

2nd Place - Rock Setabrahama

3rd Place - RJ Hansen

Best Cinematographer - Madeline Down

2nd Place - Note Suwanchote

3rd Place - Ryan Purcell

Most Supportive Organization For Creatives - Women in Film - Seattle

2nd Place - King County Creative

3rd Place - SIFF