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Kay Ross

As the Community Manager for Stage 32, Kay loves to help connect creatives to resources, upcoming opportunities, and other potential professionals through the Stage 32 lounges. She may even have a thing or five to say about production, so you'll find her in the Acting, Animation, Filmmaking, Producing, and Post-Production Lounges most frequently.

Kay Ross is a producer, screenwriter, and actor who started her career doing theatre in her hometown of Washington, D.C. After attending Colorado Film School and receiving her B.F.A. in Film and Video Production, she worked in production for various networks, including Investigation Discovery, Food Network, and BBC America. While being groomed to become a production manager, Kay never stopped writing and producing short films. She relocated to Los Angeles to change her career projection to focus more on creative roles.

She has written several short films, developed a coming-of-age television pilot set at the Renaissance Festival, worked on a dozen television shows, and launched "The Pre-Pro Podcast" aimed at teenagers interested in meeting mentors in the media industry. She enjoys martial arts, exploring culture through food, and traveling (when it is safe to do so). She loves opportunities to work with inclusive, diverse, and driven professionals, especially on projects based on true events or scientific research. She is actively looking for more opportunities to do voice-over acting, and she is excited to direct her calling card short.

If you have a question about the site or how to best navigate the Stage 32 community, don't be shy! You can post in the lounges, comment on others' posts, or you can direct message her through Stage 32 and she'll respond! You can also follow her on Instagram @k.osswrites